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Templestowe Baptist Church (TBC) is a member of the Baptist Union of Victoria (BUV) and accepts as expressions of the Christian faith the doctrinal basis and the principles and ideals of the Baptist faith as set out in the constitution of the Union.

Those documents are also attached as appendices to TBC’s constitution. (Learn more at the BUV website.)


We believe in and worship the Triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the sovereign Creator of heaven and earth – immortal, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

We believe in the power and primary importance of prayer and seek to be known as a prayerful community.


We believe that God requires His people to pray and that He hears and answers our prayers. We value that reliance on God through prayer and accept that this must be central to everything we do.

We believe God’s word is the essential catalyst for bringing about change and growth in the life of the Christian. We value the teaching of the Word of God that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. We value the fellowship of church life as we worship our Lord Jesus Christ Together. We hold as important the proclamation of the gospel, the ministry of service and the pursuit of social justice.

We believe that the spiritually disconnected and searching people matter to God and therefore should matter to the church. Our mission, at the local, national, and global level, is to show people the love of Christ and encourage them to accept Him as their Saviour. We value all God’s people equally and seek to help those of a different nationality and culture in our local community. We want to help them become confident and to develop and express their Christian faith in our society. We value being a community that cares for one another, not just on Sunday. We value sharing through hospitality and identifying community needs and responding. We are committed to providing an environment where people can experience God’s love in action. We are committed to the development of God’s people.


We believe it is our responsibility to equip, support, motivate and mentor individuals, enabling them to become all that God wants them to be. We value Godly leadership in the life and ministry of our church. We value empowering leaders and expect them to lead with a servant heart. We require leaders to model integrity, courage and loyalty. We are committed to our ongoing participation in, support for and promotion of the life of the community of the Baptist Union of Victoria. We are committed to supporting and working in unity with other church denominations to advance the gospel and the work of the Kingdom, particularly in the Manningham region.

Templestowe baptist church


103-105 Andersons Creek Road 

Doncaster East, Victoria 3109


P: (03) 9842 8776



©2024 by Templestowe Baptist Church.

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